IP Year 3
Application for IP Year 3 Admission Exercise 2024 commences from 7 October 2024 (9.00 am, Singapore time) to 25 October 2024 (12.00 pm, Singapore time).
You are eligible if you are currently a Secondary 2 student (not admitted via DSA-Sec or AEIS in your current secondary school) who has:
Strong PSLE results
Strong Secondary 1 and 2 results
Strong CCA/VIA records (i.e. achievements, leadership experience and service to community)
All applicants must sit for the selection tests. Only shortlisted applicants will have to attend an interview.
Students not studying in Mainstream schools
Returning Singaporeans are strongly encouraged to apply under the Supplementary Placement Exercise (SPE) which is a centralised posting exercise by MOE for the convenience of Returning Singaporeans who wish to join Secondary 1, 2 or 3 at the beginning of the next academic year.
Click on this link for more information: https://www.moe.gov.sg/returning-singaporeans/secondary/spe
1) Application Form
Interested students are to submit the online application form and relevant supporting documents as indicated below, to the College by Friday, 25 October 2024 (12.00 pm, Singapore time) via this link: https://go.gov.sg/tjc-ip32025Application received by fax and email will NOT be considered.
2) Supporting Documents
• PSLE results slip (with subject grades and aggregate score indicated)
• Sec 1 academic results slips (including End-of-Year)
• Sec 2 academic results slips
• Sec 1 and Sec 2 CCA and VIA records
• Records of additional qualifications (only highest level required), achievements, awards, scholarships etc. (if applicable)
3) Selection Tests (For ALL applicants)
School-based Selection Tests
All applicants are to sit the school-based selection tests comprising the following:
• English Language
• Mathematics
• Science
Test dates: 4 Nov 2024, Mon (Papers: English & Science) and 6 Nov 2024, Wed (Paper: Mathematics)
Test venue: Temasek Junior College (2 Tampines Ave 9, Singapore 529564)
Simple Table Scope of Tests English Language Discursive/Argumentative Essay about Global Issues Mathematics: Secondary 1 and 2 syllabuses 1. Numbers and their operations
2. Ratio and Proportion
3. Percentage
4. Rate and Speed
5. Algebraic Expressions and Formulae
6. Functions and Graphs
7. Linear equations, simultaneous equations (linear and non-linear), linear inequalities, quadratic equations
8. Angles, Triangles and Polygons
9. Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry
10. Mensuration
11. Data Handling, Data Representations and Analysis
Science 1. Experimental Design
2. Diversity of Matter by their Physical Properties
3. Diversity of Matter by their Chemical Composition & using Separation Techniques
4. Understanding of Diversity of Living Things
5. Cells – Basic Units of Life
6. Particulate Nature of Matter
7. Atomic Structure
8. Movement of Substances
9. Light
10. Energy & Work Done
11. Transfer of Thermal Energy
12. Interactions with Ecosystems
13. Chemical Bonding
14. Acids and Alkalis
15. Chemical Changes and Interactions
16. Nutrient Cycle
17. Forces and Pressure
18. Mass, Weight, Density
19. Turning Effects of Force
20. Electricity
21. Transport in Humans
22. Nutrition in Humans and Enzymes
23. Sexual Reproduction in Humans and Plants
More details will be communicated to applicants at a later date.
Interview (For shortlisted applicants)
Only shortlisted applicants will be notified via email for an interview. Interviews will be held mid-November 2024 in TJC (2 Tampines Ave 9, Singapore 529564).
Outcome of Application
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 28 November 2024.
Points to note:
1. Successful applicants admitted to Temasek JC (IP) are expected to honour their commitment to the College for the duration of the programme admitted to.
2. The College:
• will not release detailed results of the school-based selection tests or interviews.
• reserves the right to not reveal the results or reasons for non-selection.
• will not provide the application outcome over the phone.
If you have any enquiries regarding the application, please contact the TJC General Office at 64428066 during office hours or email: [email protected].